Book a discovery call

We’ll tailor the demo based on your unique needs and share how other learning organizations are using Disco's AI-powered platform to scale their business.

Our customers say it best

“Running a program is incredibly operationally intensive. With Disco there are so many parts that can now have a much more product-guided and product-led experience than we were previously doing."
Disco customer On Deck

Ben Plummer

Sr. Learning Experience Designer

“Disco has allowed us to build a scalable education offering at Dribbble. The subgroups function lets us break the hundred of students who enroll in each cohort into mentorship groups, giving each student a personal, hands-on & intimate learning experience.”
Disco customer Dribbble

Madeliene Sava

Program Manager, Dribbble

“Disco is the most thoughtful, creative, and well designed LMSs on the market. It is the only product we’ve found that tackles four use cases: one-off events, live cohorts, self-paced courses and community hot spot. If you need this kind of flexibility I suggest you hit the dance floor and Disco!”
Disco customer Irrational Labs

Ryan Goble

Chief Learning Officer, Irrational Labs

“It was hard to find a platform for our learning community that aligned with our goals of live interactive learning AND kept us, the user, at the center of their mission until we found Disco. It feels like they made it specifically for us! It is easy to say that we would not have been able to grow as fast as a school if it weren’t for Disco.”
Disco customer The Fountain Institute

Hannah Baker

Co-Founder, The Fountain Institute

“Disco allows our creative and nonlinear thinking to be available for everyone. It looks awesome, it inspires like a pop artist, and it dances straight into the lives of our members. We also love the innovation that is happening at Disco, new elements and solutions are constantly presented to us. A real octopus solution for us.”
Disco customer The Octopus Movement

Perry Knoppert

Founder, The Octopus Movement

“Disco has been a blessing in pure sight. The operations behind running a suite of 14+ incubator and accelerator programs, that span across several sectors is not an easy feat. Disco has allowed us to scale our programming seamlessly with their highly intuitive platform, and an excellent support staff working with us through all of our needs. I would absolutely recommend to everyone!”
Disco customer YSpace

Nafis Ahmed

Entrepreneruship Manager, YSpace

Take a platform tour

Experience our AI-powered social learning platform as an admin and a learner.

Modern learning community built on the Disco platform