Create collaborative learning experiences with cohort-based courses

Designing cohort-based courses that connect and transform is easy with Disco.

Design a cohort-based learning experience tailored to your members goals using Disco's curriculum builder

Design cohort-based courses with lessons, assignments, and projects

Design a cohort-based learning experience tailored to your members goals using Disco's curriculum builder

Curriculum Builder

Design a cohort-based learning tailored to your members goals.

Simple Learning Experience

Make it easy for members to access course material in one simple place.

Event Management

Integrate Zoom, auto-send calendar invites and upload recordings.

“Disco is the most thoughtful, creative, and well designed LMSs on the market. It is the only product we’ve found that tackles four use cases: one-off events, live cohorts, self-paced courses and community hot spot.”
Disco customer Irrational Labs

Ryan Goble

Chief Learning Officer, Irrational Labs

Create and manage course applications with custom questions and tasks

Simplify online course applications

Manage applications and create a set of custom questions to bring the right cohort together in your online courses.

Easily accept course payments

With a built-in Stripe integration and registration page, you can easily accept payments for your online course.

Easily accept course payments with Disco's Stripe integration
Connect Zoom and power your live virtual events on the Disco platform

Streamline live sessions

Automate the time-consuming aspects of hosting live classes with a zoom integration, calendar invites, and more.

How YSpace is democratizing entrepreneurship at a global scale

Disco customer YSpace's learning community built on the Disco platform

Track student success and completion rates across your courses

Track student success and completion rates across your courses with Disco's learner progress reports
Member Progress

See how students are progressing through cohort courses.

Community Activity

Get insights into engagement across your community and course content.

Event Attendance

See who's registered and attended live sessions with CSV export.

View community members all in one place with Disco's member directory

Searchable members directory

View all members in one place, see which experiences they've taken and get a clear idea of who is active.

Connect your cohort with discussion topics

Allow your cohort course members to connect with one another to solve problems and build new connections.

Add multiple channels with threaded conversations
Create tasks for members to complete before joining a course with Disco's course onboarding features

Seamless course onboarding

Get members ready for online learning with tasks such as filling out their profile or watching a set of videos.

Split members into groups

Split participants into smaller groups for a more engaging learning experience and group work.

Split members into smaller groups for a more personal and engaging learning experience.
Ensure your members are always in the loop with the Disco notification center

Keep members up-to-date

Let your entire cohort know about updates and deadlines in the course so they can stay on top of everything.

Save time launching cohort-learning experiences

Copy over all the lessons, videos and course materials you need for new cohorts with a few clicks.

Save time launching courses and learning experiences with course duplication
“Disco has allowed us to scale our programming seamlessly with their highly intuitive platform, and an excellent support staff working with us through all of our needs. I would absolutely recommend to everyone!”
Disco customer YSpace

Nafis Ahmed

Entrepreneurship Manager, YSpace

Ready to start building your learning community?

Ready to supercharge your social learning programs?

Want to connect live? Book a discovery call ->
Disco the purpose-built operating system for learning communities