Transform member data into actionable insights that drive engagement

Gain the insights you need to build a successful paid community with Disco’s robust analytics and reporting dashboards.

Admin Dashboard on the Disco platform showcasing insights and analytics such as Public Page Visits, New Members, Weekly Active Users, Earned Revenue, and more.

Understand your members and track activity across your community and learning products

Sifting through scattered member data can feel like an endless maze. With Disco's analytics and reporting dashboards, easily uncover valuable insights into member engagement, progress, and performance. No more guesswork—just clear, actionable data at your fingertips.

Products Management dashboard on the Disco platform, showcasing analytics like number of published products, total transactions and product status, registrations, and price.
“Disco is the most thoughtful, creative, and well designed LMSs on the market. It is the only product we’ve found that tackles four use cases: one-off events, live cohorts, self-paced courses and community hot spot.”
Disco customer Irrational Labs

Ryan Goble

Chief Learning Officer, Irrational Labs

Track student success and completion rates across your courses with Disco's learner progress reports

Track member progress and monitor engagement in your learning community

Understand how your members and learning products are performing to generate transformative outcomes.

Track overall member engagement with learning products

Keep an eye on daily member activity

Nudge and support members who may need additional support

Empower your growth with community reports

From tracking revenue growth to unlocking referral opportunities, leverage key metrics to nurture and scale a thriving learning community.

Stay in the know about your most active users and their engagement levels. Use these insights to tailor content, enhance user experience, and increase overall activity

Track revenue growth and identify opportunities for expansion

Track discount codes and unlock opportunities for referrals

Member progress reports on the Disco platform showcasing curriculum completion, event attendance, and comments
Get feedback from your community members after each virtual event with Feedback reports

Harness the power of data-driven event management

Use your event management data to keep track of what events your members are engaging with.

Stay in the loop with real-time tracking of event registration and attendance, complete with CSV export options for seamless data management

Analyze patterns in event engagement to fine-tune your offerings

Implement automated feedback requests post-event to gain invaluable insights straight from your members

Create personalized member journeys with powerful onboarding insights

Leverage powerful onboarding data to tailor experiences that resonate with each member.

Understand your members' diverse interests, goals, and needs through comprehensive onboarding surveys to inform highly personalized programming

Leverage individual member data to curate relevant learning products that drive engagement

Group and message members based on various attributes such as interests, location, and goals to facilitate more meaningful and productive experiences and connections

Custom member onboarding questions

How YSpace is democratizing entrepreneurship at a global scale

Disco customer YSpace's learning community built on the Disco platform
“Disco has allowed us to scale our programming seamlessly with their highly intuitive platform, and an excellent support staff working with us through all of our needs. I would absolutely recommend to everyone!”
Disco customer YSpace

Nafis Ahmed

Entrepreneurship Manager, YSpace

Ready to start building your learning community?

Ready to supercharge your social learning programs?

Want to connect live? Book a discovery call ->
Disco the purpose-built operating system for learning communities