Fuel customer engagement in your community

Strengthen customer relationships, increase satisfaction, and drive loyalty with Disco's smart automations, seamless integrations, and actionable insights.

Strengthen customer relationships, increase satisfaction, and drive loyalty with Disco's smart automations, seamless integrations, and actionable insights.

Turn customers into advocates through engaging experiences

Empower your customer community with a comprehensive platform designed for enhanced engagement, seamless support, and long-lasting connections.

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How Dribbble Built Their First Cohort-Based Course on Disco in Weeks

“Disco gives each student a personal, hands-on, and intimate learning experience! It has allowed us to build a scalable education offering for hundreds of students learning Product Design through Dribbble. The course subgroups function lets us break the hundreds of students who enroll in each cohort into mentorship groups, giving each student a personal, hands-on & intimate learning experience.”
Disco Customer, Dribbble, Madeleine Sava, Director of Education

Madeliene Sava

Director of Education, Dribbble

Turn customers into advocates through engaging experiences

Empower your customer community with a comprehensive platform designed for enhanced engagement, seamless support, and long-lasting connections.

Create discussion spaces for various topics and interests with Disco's Channels feature

Foster engaging customer discussions

Encourage conversation and collaboration within your customer community.

Create discussion spaces for various topics and interests

Allow customers to share ideas, ask questions, and receive support

Enable peer-to-peer learning and problem-solving

Offer access to exclusive learning content

Enhance customer knowledge with tailored learning experiences and resources.

Easily share valuable articles, videos, and guides

Provide access to exclusive webinars and events

Curate a comprehensive knowledge base for customer support

Create resource libraries that include PDFS, docs, videos, and external web pages

How Disco's Accelerator Software Saves You 100s of Hours Running Your Program

Disco saves you 100s of hours running your online community
Disco automations allows you to Automate repetitive tasks to focus on member engagement

Simplify customer support and success

Streamline assistance with smart automations and integrations that help you save 100s of hours on repetitive tasks.

Integrate with popular tools helpdesk platforms

Implement AI-powered chatbots for quick responses to customer questions and issues

Easily manage and monitor support tickets with your customer success team through Slack

The Learning Community Playbook by Disco

Supercharge your learning community

The Learning Community Playbook delivers actionable insights, innovative frameworks, and valuable strategies to spark engagement, nurture growth, and foster deeper connections. Access this resource and start building a vibrant learning ecosystem today!

Join the world's top customer communities building with Disco.

Encourage and empower customer advocacy

Identify, acknowledge, and reward proactive participants and influencers within your community

Implement referral programs and appealing incentives to motivate customer advocacy

Feature customer success stories and testimonials to demonstrate the impact of your offerings and build trust

Feature customer success stories and testimonials to demonstrate the impact of your offerings and build trust with Disco posts
“We are very happy with the Disco platform. It's extremely easy to use to configure programs. I love the responsiveness of the Disco team for support and I like the fact that they are grounded in community to share best practices so that we all succeed.”
Disco customer Altitude Accelerator

Hessie Jones

Innovations Manager, Altitude Accelerator

Keep track of community engagement and activity metrics like curriculum progress, event attendance, and comments

Unlock actionable customer insights

Optimize customer satisfaction through data-driven decision-making.

Keep track of community engagement and activity metrics to gauge customer involvement

Detect trends and pinpoint areas that require enhancement, ensuring a better user experience

Leverage customer feedback to refine community strategies and deliver tailored solutions for increased satisfaction

Craft a distinct and cohesive customer experience

Customize the appearance of your platform to match your brand identity

Incorporate brand colors, logos, and design elements for visual consistency

Tailor labels, navigation, and messaging to resonate with your brand's voice

Showcase your unique brand with custom logo, colors, domains, themes, and more.
Teachers, instructors, learning businesses, entrepreneurs leading the learning revolution by building their learning community on Disco

Try Disco for free!

Sign up for a free 14-day trial of Disco's Org plan.

Start free trial ->
No credit card required.

How Blackademic is Using Disco to Improve Entrepreneurship for Women in Academia

“I liked that we can customize things, so it's our brand colors. It feels like our stuff. That feels premium to me. That's a part of the kind of lux thing that's special to me. The fact that we could customize so that when our participants come in, not only do they know they're in the right place, but they know that they're in something that's been built with their needs in mind.”
Disco customer Blackademic

Takiyah Nur Amin

Co-Founder, Blackademic

Manage virtual events on the Disco platform

Save time running and managing virtual events

Efficiently manage virtual events and deliver outstanding experiences for your customers by leveraging Disco's time-saving event management tools. Simplify event operations with streamlined registration, scheduling, and attendee tracking.

"Using Disco for our EdTech accelerator programme has been a game-changer. Its user-friendly interface and community building elements allowed us to deliver top-quality workshops efficiently and effectively. We were able to track our participant's progress, identify areas for programme improvement, and make adjustments on the fly. Overall, Disco has been an invaluable tool for our growth, and we highly recommend it to anyone looking to build effective and engaged learning communities”
Disco customer UCL EdTech Labs

Houtan Froushan

Program Director, UCL EdTech Labs

Integrate your favourite tools

Streamline your collaboration with the tools you already use. Integrate Miro, Figma, Google Docs, Slack and Zoom into a unified experience for to allow participants to interact more effectively.

Integrate your favourite collaboration tools like Miro, Figma, Airtable, Slack, Zoom, Google Docs, and more.

Your top Disco questions, answered

Don't see your question? Book time with us here.

What if I'm not sure if Disco is the right fit for my accelerator program?

We offer a free discovery call to answer any questions you have and explore whether Disco is the right solution for your needs. You can also start with a free trial to test the platform with your team and participants.

Do you have a demo account I can test out?

You can test out an interactive tour to experience Disco’s Accelerator OS here. We also recommend starting a free trial to try out the platform for your needs.

How easy is it to get started with Disco?

Disco is designed to be user-friendly and easy to set up. Our onboarding team will guide you through the process and provide training and support as needed. You can also access our knowledge base and customer community for additional resources and best practices.

How much does Disco cost?

Disco offers flexible pricing based on the size and needs of your accelerator program.

What if I already have existing tools and systems in place?

Disco integrates with a variety of collaboration tools, like Zoom, Slack, Miro, Figma, Google Docs, and more, so you can continue to use your preferred tools while leveraging the benefits of Disco's accelerator management software. Our platform also provides a central place for participants to find everything they need, reducing the need for multiple tools.

Can I customize Disco to match my brand and unique needs?

Yes, Disco offers a range of customization options, such as adding custom branding, connecting your domain, and modifying language within the platform. We will work with you to ensure that your accelerator program has a fully customized experience that matches your unique brand and aspirations.

How does Disco ensure participant engagement and success?

Disco provides a range of features to support participant engagement and success, such as cohort-based programming, sub-groups for peer-to-peer learning, automated applications and onboarding, engagement reports, and event management tools. Our platform also provides insights and strategies in our Accelerator Learning Hub, helping you stay up-to-date with industry trends and best practices.

What if I need technical support or have questions about using Disco?

Our customer support team is available to help you with any technical issues or questions you have about using Disco. You can access a range of resources, such as our Learning Hub, knowledge base and customer community, to help you get the most out of the platform.

Ready to supercharge your customer community with Disco?

Want to connect live? Book a discovery call ->
Disco is the operating system built for accelerators with tools like curriculum builder, applications, progress tracking, and more.